That article is messed up!
Under "Qualities of Happiness" - the first quality is mourning....their ability to twist the scriptures is worse than I remember....
"Happy are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Matt 5:4
Jesus did not have in mind all who mourn for any sort of reason. Even wicked people bemoan the distressing difficulties that characterize these “critical times hard to deal with.” (2 Tim. 3:1) But their self-centered mourning does not draw them closer to Jehovah; hence, it does not lead them toward happiness. Jesus must have had in mind people who are conscious of their spiritual need and therefore mourn the appalling spiritual conditions that prevail. They may recognize their own sinful state and the heartbreaking circumstances that have resulted from human sinfulness.
So we can be happy because we are sad that we are sinful? It really demonstrates that underlying not just the JW dogma, but Christian dogma is the belief that people are innately bad.
Not a point of view I support. Imperfect? Of course. Bad, nope. They really feed off people feeling like POS and having a low opinion of themselves. I remember how that felt and I'm SO HAPPY I don't feel that way any more. Everything with them is so dark and depressing and desperate. And we wonder why people get trapped in there... it's emotionally sticky. UGH.
Thanks for posting this so I can remember why I left. Congrats to all of us who are out and free.